Feeding Guide: Transitioning Your Pet to Open Farm

Looking to transition your pet's food, but not sure how? Here's a step-by-step on how to make this process as seamless as possible!

If you’re looking to upgrade your pet’s diet or start your furry friend on a new food, there are so many reasons why Open Farm is the right choice for you and your pet. At Open Farm, we’re raising the bar on the way we feed our pets, using only ethically sourced ingredients that serve a real purpose.

Transition to Open Farm in 10 days

To transition your pet to Open Farm, a slow transitioning period over 7 – 10 days is recommended. To begin, we suggest introducing the Open Farm food into your pet's diet by mixing it in with your pet’s old food and slowly increasing the Open Farm feeding amounts over the transition period. It is important to introduce new food slowly because a quick transition could result in digestive issues, especially for pets with a sensitive digestive system.

FIG. 1: DAY 1–3

75% old pet food & 25% Open Farm food.

FIG. 2: DAYS 4–6

50% old pet food & 50% Open Farm food.

FIG. 3: DAYS 7–9

25% old pet food & 75% Open Farm food.

FIG. 4: DAY 10

100% Open Farm!

Build the perfect bowl for your pet.

Still unsure? We’ll help customize just the right combination of foods for your dog’s breed, preferences, allergies and goals.

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