What makes our recipes better?
We go to great lengths to source the world’s best ingredients. Our meats are sourced from high welfare family farms that are antibiotic and growth hormone free and our fruits & veggies are exclusively non-GMO.
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What other pet parents are saying
New flavors. Happy dog.
Pasture-raised lamb & Ancient grains dry dog food
I was psyched to see you guys expanded your selection of already great dog food to include some grains. The minute I opened the bag my dog's eyes got bigger and he started drooling. He normally distributes his meal throughout the day, but not with this food. All gone immediately!
New taste is Frenchie approved!
My very picky eater can’t wait to eat her Open Farm kibble. This is a dog that passes on fresh cooked human fish. Thrilled with Open Farm.
Excellent Product
Grass-fed beef dry dog food
This kibble is wonderful. We had no issues whatsoever transitioning from the old to the new. In fact, he began to eat around the old kibble and just went for the grass-fed beef.