Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much and How Much Should They Sleep?

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much and How Much Should They Sleep?

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

When you count the number of hours you sleep in a day compared to your dog, it’s no question who tallies a higher number. Dogs sure do love their beauty sleep, and while it might seem excessive, there's a reason behind all those naps. From recharging after a big day of tail wagging to processing their adventures, a dog’s sleep habits are as fascinating as they are integral to their health. Let’s dive into some of the reasons why dogs sleep so much. 

It’s normal for dogs to sleep through the night. Unlike you, your pooch also spends a good part of the day snoozing. One of the key reasons why dogs sleep so much, boils down to lifestyle. You go to work or school. Your dog doesn’t. Sleeping during the day is often a way for dogs to pass the time, but there’s more to it. 

How Many Hours Do Dogs Sleep in a Day?

Your best friend sleeps a lot, but how many hours do dogs sleep in a day? Over the course of a day, the average dog sleeps between 10 to 14 hours. Some may log as many as twenty hours per day. The question of how many hours dogs sleep also depends on factors like age and breed. Typically, puppies and senior dogs sleep more than young-adult and middle-aged dogs. A more active breed like a border collie will typically sleep fewer hours than a less active breed like a basset hound. 

The average sleep time for dogs, particularly during the daytime, also depends on what or who else is around. Do you have more than one dog? If yes, they may play more and sleep less. If your dog is the lone wolf in the home and you’re wondering if they are sleeping too much, take stock of what’s around them. For example, finding toys that spark joy in your dog can go a long way towards alleviating boredom and keeping them active while the sun’s up. If you’re retired or work from home, consider taking your pup for a mid-day walk.

If you’ve done your best to keep your dog active and still wonder if they are sleeping too much, gauge whether you’ve seen a sizeable uptick in sleep quantity recently. Definitely consult your vet if you think it’s being spurred on by a health issue. 

Dog Sleep Habits and Health

Before exploring the link between dog sleep habits and health, let’s look at one of the basic reasons why dogs sleep so much. Although your dog sleeps way more than you, its sleeping patterns are relatively similar to yours - with one other notable distinction. People spend roughly 25% of their sleep time in REM. Dogs, meanwhile, only spend about 10% of their sleep time in that phase. So, they should wake easier than people. It also means they need more total sleep to make up for lost REM sleep. 

As you consider your dog’s sleep habits and health, the following can signal your dog may be sleeping too much:
  • It starts getting hard to wake your dog up 
  • Your dog would rather snooze than go for a walk or eat
  • An increase in sleep time is followed by behavioral issues 

You know your dog’s habits better than anyone. A rise or drop in their urination or defecation frequency could be another clue your pal is sleeping too much. 

How Much Sleep do Puppies Need?

It’s easy to spend all day admiring your adorable puppy, but being a responsible pet owner means considering all aspects of their well-being—including their sleep. So, how much rest does your puppy actually need?

Puppyhood is a period of rapid physical growth. All of this calls for a tremendous amount of sleep. If you ask veterinarians how much sleep puppies need, most will tell you 18-20 hours per day is necessary. Like adult dogs, they won’t do this in one go. Puppies will instead take frequent naps throughout the day, sometimes as often as once an hour.

Understanding your dog's sleep habits is key to supporting their health and happiness. While it may seem like your furry friend is napping the day away, those hours of rest are essential for their well-being, whether they’re recharging from play, processing the day’s experiences, or simply passing the time. Observing your dog's typical sleep patterns can help you recognize any changes that might need attention. With plenty of love, a balanced routine, a healthy diet, and regular vet check-ups, you can ensure your dog gets the quality sleep they need to thrive.

This article is meant only as an example of what might be best for your dog, please reach your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet. You and your vet know your pet best!
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